Box Tops & Amazon Smile

Your Everyday Purchases Can Help Bond Mill Elementary!


Bond Mill Elementary School takes part in a number of affiliate fundraising programs that they’d like to invite the West Laurel community to consider participating in! Through your everyday purchases, you can help the school’s PTO provide students and teachers with supplemental educational resources that they may not otherwise have…things like mobile science labs, updated technology for the classrooms, cultural arts programs, and much, much more!




Box Tops For Education has gone digital! Participating brands are now starting to change their packaging from the traditional Box Tops clip to the new Box Tops label. If you see this label, download the app to your Smartphone by visiting Next, scan your receipt. The app will find participating products purchased by you at any store and instantly add cash to Bond Mill's earnings online. Please encourage friends, neighbors, grandparents, etc., to scan in their their BoxTops in as well! 





Before you place that Amazon order! AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support Bond Mill every time you shop! Rather than going to, visit when you shop. Log in and shop the same way you normally do, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to the school! On your first visit to AmazonSmile, you’ll need to select the organization you wish to receive donations from eligible purchases before you begin shopping. Search for “Bond Mill PTO” and click “Select”. Now, every time you shop at, you’re supporting Bond Mill!



Fundraising Nights at Local Restaurants


Throughout the school year, local restaurants like Chick-fil-A, BJ’s, and Nando’s host Bond Mill fundraising nights where the school receives a portion of their total sales. A schedule of these events can be found on the homepage.




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